
Open Theses:

Ongoing Theses:

MSc thesis of Arturo Mariani

Latency correction in neuronal spike trains with overlapping events

University of Florence, Italy

Past Theses:

MSc thesis of Federico Senocrate

Latency correction in neuronal data

University of Florence, Italy

PhD thesis of Eero Satuvuori

European Joint Degree at the University of Florence, Italy and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA), Netherlands

Part of the Marie Curie European Joint Doctorate (MC-EJD) Complex Oscillatory Systems: Modeling and Analysis (COSMOS)

PhD thesis of Irene Malvestio

European Joint Degree at the University of Florence, Italy and the University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain 

Part of the Marie Curie European Joint Doctorate (MC-EJD) Complex Oscillatory Systems: Modeling and Analysis (COSMOS)

PhD thesis of Nebojsa Bozanic

Measures of Spike Train Synchrony

University of Florence, Italy

Part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (MC-ITN) Neural Engineering Transformative Technology (NETT)