Source Code - cSPIKE
Matlab command line library
Description of the codes
cSPIKE v 1.5 30.6.2023: Eero Satuvuori, Thomas Kreuz
This is the main part of cSPIKE. The object offers the basic functionality of graphical user interface SPIKY as a command line version. The main functions are implemented with MEX files and C++ backends. Methods are based on the ISI-distance, the SPIKE-distance and SPIKE-synchronization by Thomas Kreuz et al. The class contains data and methods for storing spike trains as a single set as well as calculating the different distance measures.
*** Important ***
Before you use cSPIKE for the very first time on a computer you
need to compile the MEX and C++ backends. To do so go to folder
cSPIKEmex and run the script "MEX_compile.m". This may take a few minutes.
Every time you call MEX-files (most functions of the SpikeTrainSet
use them) the folder in which they are located needs to be in your
Matlab workspace. The "InitializecSPIKE"-script will add it to your path. It
needs to be called once every time after starting Matlab and any
additional calls are not needed. This is not called by the SpikeTrainSet!
SpikeTrainSet implements the following functions
To create a spike train set object call the constructor:
spiketrains: A cell array with SpikeTrains{1} containing an
array of spike times [spike1 spike2 ...spikeN] for the
first spike train and respectively for the other spike
trains. The object accepts only spike data aligned as row
beginning: The start time of the recording
endgin: The end time of the recording
STS = SpikeTrainSet(spiketrains, beginning, ending )
Then you can call methods for the spike train set:
time1: Start time of the analysis interval.
time2: End time of the analysis interval. If not given or if
time1 = time2 instantaneous dissimilarity value is given instead.
threshold: Threshold for the adaptive method. If not given the
threshold extracted from the data is used instead.
Profile: Profile object
STS.ISIdistance(time1, time2)
STS.ISIdistanceMatrix(time1, time2)
Profile = STS.ISIdistanceProfile(time1, time2)
STS.AdaptiveISIdistance(time1, time2, threshold)
STS.AdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(time1, time2, threshold)
Profile = STS.AdaptiveISIdistanceProfile(time1, time2, threshold)
STS.SPIKEdistance(time1, time2)
STS.SPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2)
Profile = STS.SPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2)
STS.AdaptiveSPIKEdistance(time1, time2, threshold)
STS.AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2, threshold)
Profile = STS.AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2, threshold)
STS.RateIndependentSPIKEdistance(time1, time2)
STS.RateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2) ###
Profile = STS.RateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2) ###
STS.AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistance(time1, time2, threshold)
STS.AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2, threshold) ###
STS.AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2, threshold) ###
SPIKESM: Spike synchronization matrix
SPIKEOM: Spike order matrix
SPIKETOM: Spike train order matrix ####
[SPIKESM, SPIKEOM, SPIKETOM]= STS.SPIKESynchroMatrix(time1, time2) ####
[SPIKESM, SPIKEOM, SPIKETOM] = STS.AdaptiveSPIKESynchroMatrix(time1, time2, threshold) ####
synchro: a cell array identical to spike train set but instead of spike
times it contains SPIKE-synchronization values of each spike
Sorder: a cell array identical to spike train set but instead of spike
times it contains SPIKE-order values of each spike
STOrder: a cell array identical to spike train set but instead of spike
times it contains spike-train-order values of each spike
[synchro,Sorder,STOrder] = STS.SPIKEsynchroProfile(time1, time2)
[synchro,Sorder,STOrder] = STS.AdaptiveSPIKEsynchroProfile(time1, time2,threshold)
varargin: Each time moment is given as a separate parameter. Returns
the dissimilarity averaged over all time points.
STS.TriggeredAdaptiveISImatrix(threshold, varargin)
STS.TriggeredAdaptiveSPIKEmatrix(threshold, varargin)
STS.TriggeredRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(varargin) ####
STS.TriggeredAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(threshold, varargin) ####
varargin: Each pair of inputs defines a new interval over which the
distance is defined. A unique union of the intervals is
used when defining the intervals over which the average is
STS.AveragedAdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(threshold, varargin)
STS.AveragedAdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(threshold, varargin)
STS.AveragedRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(varargin) ####
STS.AveragedAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(threshold, varargin) ####
Auxiliary functions:
STS.SetData(spiketrains, beginning, ending )
Replaces the data in the object with new data
Gives the a copy of the data array of the object. Data{1} contains
the edge corrected data and Data{2} the original spikes.
Returns the threshold value obtained from the set
[time1,time2] = STS.giveTIMES()
Gives the beginning and the end of the recording
Plots the spike trains to current axis with colour and spike widith
given. Default colour is black.
SpikeTrainSet contents
Class for enclosing spiketrains into one class and handling the set.
PRIVATE METHODS **************************************************
Checking data availability
Unique Union
Checking that the DATA given is valid
Cutting function
Check input times
Correct the DATA Edges
Form pooled spiketrain of all spiketrains
Time shift functions.
PUBLIC METHODS ***************************************************
Setting data
ISI METHODS ----------------------------------------------------
ISI-distance for interval/point
Adaptive ISI-distance for interval/point
ISI-distance/dissimilarity matrix
Adaptive ISI-distance/dissimilarity matrix
Triggered ISI-dissimilarity matrix
Triggered Adaptive ISI-dissimilarity matrix
Averaged ISI-distance matrix
Averaged Adaptive ISI-distance matrix
ISI-distance profile
Adaptive ISI-distance profile
SPIKE METHODS --------------------------------------------------
SPIKE-distance for interval/point
Adaptive SPIKE-distance for interval/point
Rate independent SPIKE distance for interval/point
Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE distance for interval/point
SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix
Adaptive SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix
Rate independent SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix
Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix
Triggered SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix
Triggered Adaptive SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix
Triggered Rate independent SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix
Triggered Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix
Averaged SPIKE-distance matrix
Averaged Adaptive SPIKE-distance matrix
Averaged Rate independent SPIKE-distance matrix
Averaged Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE-distance matrix
SPIKE-distance profile
Adaptive SPIKE-distance profile
Rate independent SPIKE-distance profile
Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE-distance profile
SPIKE-Synchronization METHODS ----------------------------------
Adaptive SPIKE-synchronization
SPIKE-synchronization profile
Adaptive SPIKE-synchronization profile
SPIKE-synchronization matrix
Adaptive SPIKE-synchronization matrix
Auxiliary functions --------------------------------------------
Get function
Threshold value extracted from the data
Start and end of the data set
Plotting function
Profile v 1.0 29.9.2016: Eero Satuvuori
Object for storing the data and plotting ISI-profile and SPIKE-profile
The Profile object is created by the object SpikeTrainSet upon calling
for the ISI- and the SPIKE-distance based profiles.
Xvalues = PlotProfileX()
Returns the X-ticks of the profile as a vector
Yvalues = PlotProfileY()
Returns the Y-values of the profile that are matched to their
corresponding index values in the Xvalues.
Plots the profile to the current axis with colour defined. Alpha is
the opacity of the profile. For 1 the profile is solid and for 0.1 almost transparent.