ISI, SPIKE & SPIKE-Synchronization articles
Articles that apply ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchronization and SPIKE-Order
(A list of articles that apply event synchronization can be found here)
[189] Kim E, Jeong E, Hong YM, Jeong I, Kim J, Kwon YW, Park YG, Lee J, Choi S, Kim JY, Lee JH:
Magnetically reshapable 3D multi-electrode arrays of liquid metals for electrophysiological analysis of brain organoids
Nature Communications 16(1):2011 (2025) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[188] Lee LH, Ngan CY, Yang CK, Wang RW, Lai HJ, Chen CH, Yang YC, Kuo CC:
Motor cortex stimulation ameliorates parkinsonian locomotor deficits: effectual and mechanistic differences from subthalamic modulation
npj Parkinson's Disease 11(1):32 (2025) (SPIKE, SPIKY)
[187] Gauthier DW, James N, Auerbach BD:
Altered auditory feature discrimination in a rat model of Fragile X Syndrome
bioRxiv 2025-02 (2025) (SPIKE, RI-SPIKE)
[186] Mougkogiannis PM, Adamatzky A:
Proteinoid-polyaniline neuromorphic composites for audio recognition.
Smart Materials and Structures. Dec 18 (2024) (SPIKE-Sync, SPIKE-order, SPIKY)
[185] Miozzo F, Murru L, Maiellano G, di Iasio I, Zippo AG, Avendano AZ, Metodieva VD, Riccardi S, D’Aliberti D, Spinelli S, Canu T:
Disruption of the autism-associated Pcdh9 gene leads to transcriptional alterations, synapse overgrowth, and defective
network activity in the CA1
J Neurosci 44, 50 (2024) (ISI)
[184] Wang Z, Cruz L:
Trainable Reference Spikes Improve Temporal Information Processing of SNNs With Supervised Learning
Neural Comput 36(10):2136-69 (2024) (SPIKE)
[183] Hussain MA, Grill WM, Pelot NA:
Highly efficient modeling and optimization of neural fiber responses to electrical stimulation
Nature Communications. 15(1):7597 (2024) (SPIKE-Sync)
[182] Bogguri C, George VK, Amiri B, Ladd A, Hum NR, Sebastian A, Enright HA, Valdez CA, Mundhenk TN, Cadena J, Lam D:
Biphasic response of human iPSC-derived neural network activity following exposure to a sarin-surrogate nerve agent
Front Cell Neurosc 18:1378579 (2024) (SPIKE)
[181] Wang H, Singh S, Trappenberg T, Nunes A:
An Information-Geometric Formulation of Pattern Separation and Evaluation of Existing Indices
arXiv:2407.14798 (2024) (SPIKE)
[180] Desai NS, Zhong C, Kim R, Talmage DA, Role LW:
A simple MATLAB toolbox for analyzing calcium imaging data in vitro and in vivo
J Neurosci Methods 110202 (2024) (Matlab toolbox which includes ISI, SPIKE)
[179] Pérez-López R, Espinal A, Sotelo-Figueroa M, Guerra-Hernandez EI, Batres-Mendoza P, Rostro-Gonzalez H:
Evolutionary Deployment of Central Pattern Generators for Legged Robots Using Nengo
In: New Directions on Hybrid Intelligent Systems Based on Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Optimization Algorithms (pp. 141-155). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland (2024) (SPIKE)
[178] Zhu G, Zhang Y, Wu J, Zheng M, Xu K:
Chaos shapes transient synchrony activities and switchings in the excitatory-inhibitory networks
Nonlinear Dynamics 1-16 (2024) (SPIKE-Sync)
[177] Walter A, Wu S, Tyrrell AM, McDaid L, McElholm M, Sumithran NT, Harkin J, Trefzer MA:
Artificial Neural Microcircuits as Building Blocks: Concept and Challenges
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.16327 (2024) (SPIKE)
[176] Shabani H, Zrenner E, Rathbun DL, Hosseinzadeh Z:
Electrical Input Filters of Ganglion Cells in Wild Type and Degenerating rd10 Mouse Retina as a Template for Selective Electrical Stimulation
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (2024) (ISI, SPIKE, PySpike)
[175] Bai X, Yu C, Zhai J:
Topological data analysis of the firings of a network of stochastic spiking neurons.
Frontiers Neural Circuits (2024) (SPIKE, SPIKE-Sync, PySpike)
[174] Wang Z, Cruz L:
Spiking Neural Network with plasticity in the time domain recovers temporal information from a noisy pattern using reference spikes
Neurocomputing 565:126988 (2024) (SPIKE)
[173] Mougkogiannis P, Kheirabadi NR, Chiolerio A, Adamatzky A:
Electrical spiking activity of proteinoids-ZnO colloids
Neuromorph Comput Eng 4, 014007 (2024), BioRxiv (ISI, SPIKE-Sync, SPIKY)
[172] Mougkogiannis P, Adamatzky A:
Recognition of sounds by ensembles of proteinoids
Materials Today Bio:100989 (2024), BioRxiv
[171] Zhang XY, Bobadilla-Suarez S, Luo X, Lemonari M, Brincat SL, Siegel M, Miller EK, Love BC:
Adaptive stretching of representations across brain regions and deep learning model layers.
bioRxiv 2023-12 (2023) (ISI, SPIKE, PySpike)
[170] Terasa MI, Birkoben T, Noll M, Adejube B, Madurawala R, Carstens N, Strunskus T, Kaps S, Faupel F, Vahl A, Kohlstedt H:
Pathways towards truly brain-like computing primitives
Materials Today 69:41-53 (2023) (ISI)
[169] Zuo S, Wang C, Wang L, Jin Z, Kusunoki M, Kwok SC:
Neural signatures for temporal-order memory in the medial posterior parietal cortex
bioRxiv 2023-08 (2023) (SPIKE)
[168] Fehrman C, Meliza CD:
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Conductance-Based Neuron Model via Data-Driven Forecasting
arXiv:2312.14274 (2023) (ISI, SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[167] Hölzel MB, Kamermans W, Winkelman BH, Howlett MH, De Zeeuw CI, Kamermans M:
A common cause for nystagmus in different congenital stationary night blindness mouse models
JPhysiology 601.23, 5317 (2023) (SPIKE-Sync)
[166] Nocon JC, Witter J, Gritton H, Han X, Houghton C, Sen K:
A robust and compact population code for competing sounds in auditory cortex
JNeurophysiology 130(3):775 (2023) (SPIKE)
[165] Lam D, Enright HA, Cadena J, George VK, Soscia DA, Tooker AC, Triplett M, Peters SK, Karande P, Ladd A, Bogguri C:
Spatiotemporal analysis of 3D human iPSC-derived neural networks using a 3D multi-electrode array
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience (2023) (SPIKE)
[164] Walter A, Wu S, Tyrrell AM, McDaid L, McElholm M, Sumithran NT, Harkin J, Trefzer MA:
Artificial Neural Microcircuits for use in Neuromorphic System Design
InALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference. MIT Press (2023) (SPIKE)
[163] Nocon JC, Gritton HJ, James NM, Mount RA, Qu Z, Han X, Sen K:
Parvalbumin neurons enhance temporal coding and reduce cortical noise in complex auditory scenes.
Communications Biology 6(1):751 (2023) (ISI, RI-SPIKE, cSPIKE)
[162] X Wang, X Zhang, M Zheng, L Xu, K Xu:
Noise-induced coexisting firing patterns in hybrid-synaptic interacting networks
Physica A 615, 128591 (2023) (SPIKE-Sync, PySpike)
[161] Nishizono R, Saijo N, Kashino M:
Highly reproducible eyeblink timing during formula car driving
iScience (2023) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[160] Warwick RA, Heukamp AS, Riccitelli S, Rivlin‐Etzion M:
Dopamine differentially affects retinal circuits to shape the retinal code.
The Journal of Physiology DOI:10.1113/JP284215 (2023) (SPIKE, SPIKY)
[159] Azad F, Zare M, Amiri M, Keliris GA:
Analysis of the spike responses in the neuromorphic implementation of the two-compartmental model of hippocampal pyramidal neuron
J Comput Science 66, 101909 (2023) (ISI)
[158] Goshi N, Girardi G, Kim H, Gardner A, Seker E:
Electrophysiological Activity of Primary Cortical Neuron-Glia Mixed Cultures.
Cells 12, 821 (2023) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[157] Moradi F, van den Berg M, Mirjebreili M, Kosten L, Verhoye M, Amiri M, Keliris GA:
Early Classification of Alzheimer´s Disease Phenotype based on Hippocampal Electrophysiology in the TgF344-AD Rat Model
iScience 26(8) (2023) (ISI)
[156] Sotomayor-Gomez B, Battaglia FP, Vinck M:
SpikeShip: A method for fast, unsupervised discovery of high-dimensional neural spiking patterns
PLoS Comput Biol 19(7): e1011335. (2023) (SPIKE, RI-SPIKE)
[155] Seifert M, Roberts PA, Kafetzis G, Osorio D, Baden T:
Birds multiplex spectral and temporal visual information via retinal On- and Off-channels
Nature Comm 14(1):5308. BioRxiv (2023) (ISI, SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[154] Lam D, Sebastian A, Bogguri C, Hum NR, Ladd A, Cadena J, Valdez CA, Fischer NO, Loots GG, Enright HA:
Dose-dependent consequences of sub-chronic fentanyl exposure on neuron and glial co-cultures
Frontiers Toxic 95 (2022) (SPIKE)
[153] Birkoben T, Kohlstedt H:
Matter & Mind Matter.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.12774 (2022) (ISI)
[152] Lee LH, Huang CS, Wang RW, Lai HJ, Chung CC, Yang YC, Kuo CC:
Deep brain stimulation rectifies the noisy cortex and irresponsive subthalamus to improve parkinsonian locomotor activities.
NPJ Parkinson's Disease 8(1):1-8 (2022) (SPIKE, SPIKY)
[151] Luo Y, Shen H, Cao X, Wang T, Feng Q, Tan Z:
Conversion of Siamese networks to spiking neural networks for energy-efficient object tracking
Neural Computing and Applications 34(12):9967-82 (2022) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[150] Iredale JA, Stoddard JG, Drury HR, Browne TJ, Elton A, Madden JF, Callister RJ, Welsh JS, Graham BA:
Recording network activity in spinal nociceptive circuits using microelectrode arrays.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Feb 9(180):e62920 (2022) (A-SPIKE-Sync)
[149] Kreuz T, Senocrate F, Cecchini G, Checcucci C, Allegra Mascaro AL, Conti E, Scaglione A, Pavone FS:
Latency correction in sparse neuronal spike trains
J Neurosci Methods 109703 (2022) [PDF] (SPIKE-Sync, SPIKE-order)
[148] Bouillet T, Ciba M, Alves CL, Rodrigues FA, Thielemann C, Colin M, Buée L, Halliez S:
Revisiting the involvement of tau in complex neural network remodeling: analysis of the extracellular neuronal activity in organotypic brain slice co-cultures.
J Neural Eng 19(6):066026 (2022) (A-ISI, A-SPIKE, A-SPIKE-Sync, ARI-SPIKE)
[147] Blackwood EB, Shortal BP, Proekt A:
Weakly Correlated Local Cortical State Switches under Anesthesia Lead to Strongly Correlated Global States
JNeurosci 42(48):8980–8996 (2022) (SPIKE-Synchro)
[146] Nocon JC, Gritton HJ, Han X, Sen K:
Differential Inhibitory Responses to Temporal Features Enhance Cortical Coding of Dynamic Stimuli: A Network Model
bioRxiv (2022) (ISI, SPIKE, RI-SPIKE, cSPIKE)
[145] Nocon JC, Gritton HJ, James NM, Han X, Sen K:
Parvalbumin neurons, temporal coding, and cortical noise in complex scene analysis
bioRxiv (2022) (ISI, RI-SPIKE, cSPIKE)
[144] Oesterle J, Krämer N, Hennig P, Behrens P:
Probabilistic solvers enable a straight-forward exploration of numerical uncertainty in neuroscience models
J Comput Neurosci 50:485 (2022) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[143] Sperandeo A, Tamburini C, Noakes Z, Cabezas de la Fuente D, Keefe F, Petter O, Plumbly W, Clifton N, Li M, Peall K:
Cortical neuronal hyperexcitability and synaptic changes in SGCE mutation-positive myoclonus dystonia
Brain (2022) (SPIKE)
[142] Zhou, Tian C, Zhang X, Zheng M, Xu K:
Short-term plasticity as a mechanism to regulate and retain multistability
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 165, 112891 (2022) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[141] Wang X, Zhang X, Zheng M, Xu L, Xu K:
Noise-induce coexisting firing patterns in hybrid-synaptic interacting networks
arXiv (2022) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[140] Yi JD, Akbari Y:
A critical role for spike synchrony in determining steep 1/f slopes in the setting of bursting EEG patterns
BioRxiv (2022) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[139] Goshi N, Girardi G, da Costa Souza F, Gardner A, Lein PJ, Seker E:
Influence of microchannel geometry on device performance and electrophysiological recording fidelity during long-term studies of connected neural populations.
Lab on a Chip (2022) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[138] Hu M, Frega M, Tolner EA, van den Maagdenberg AM, Frimat JP, le Feber J:
MEA-ToolBox: an Open Source Toolbox for Standardized Analysis of Multi-Electrode Array Data.
Neuroinformatics. Jun 9:1-6 (2022) (ISI)
[137] Peng L, Tang J, Ma J, Luo J:
The influence of autapse on synchronous firing in small-world neural networks.
Physica A 126956 (2022) (SPIKE)
[136] Iredale JA, Stoddard JG, Drury HR, Browne TJ, Elton A, Madden JF, Callister RJ, Welsh JS, Graham BA:
Recording Network Activity in Spinal Nociceptive Circuits using Microelectrode Arrays.
J Vis Exp Feb 9;180:e62920 (2022) (A-SPIKE-Sync)
[135] Hajati F, Girosi F, Rafiei A:
EISI: Extended inter-spike interval for mental health patients clustering based on mental health services and medications utilisation.
Medical Engineering & Physics. Feb 21:103780 (2022) (extended ISI)
[134] Macias S, Bakshi K, Smotherman M:
Faster repetition rate sharpens the cortical representation of echo streams in echolocating bats.
ENeuro 9(1) (2022) (SPIKE-Synchro, SPIKY)
[133] Peng L, Tang J, Ma J, Luo J:
The influence of autapse on synchronous firing in small-world neural networks.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications:126956 (2022) (SPIKE)
[132] Hilgen G, Kartsaki E, Kartysh V, Cessac B, Sernagor E:
A novel approach to the functional classification of retinal ganglion cells.
Open Biol. 12: 210367 (2022) (SPIKE)
[131] Rahy R, Asari H, Gross CT:
Sensory-thresholded switch of neural firing states in a computational model of the ventromedial hypothalamus
Front Comput Neurosci 16 (2022) (PySpike)
[130] Cecchini G, Scaglione A, Mascaro AL, Checcucci C, Conti E, Adam I, Fanelli D, Livi R, Pavone FS, Kreuz T:
Cortical propagation as a biomarker for recovery after stroke.
PLoS Comput Biol 17: e1008963 (2021) [PDF] and bioRxiv [PDF] (SPIKE-Synchro, SPIKE-Order, cSPIKE)
[129] Pajot N, Boukadoum M:
Synchrony-Based State Representation for Classification by Liquid State Machines.
In 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI* CC) 181-188 (2021)
[128] Qin L, Zhang Y:
A reference spike train-based neurocomputing method for enhanced tactile discrimination of surface roughness
Neural Comp Appl 33:14793 (2021) (ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[127] Gal E, Amsalem O, Schindel A, London M, Schuermann F, Markram H, Segev I:
The role of hub neurons in modulating cortical dynamics.
Front. Neural Circuits: (2021) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[126] Lazarevich I, Prokin I, Gutkin B, Kazantsev V:
Neural Activity Classification with Machine Learning Models Trained on Interspike Interval Time-Series Data.
BioRxiv: (2021) (ISI, PySpike)
[125] Colombi I, Nieus T, Massimini M, Chiappalone M:
Spontaneous and Perturbational Complexity in Cortical Cultures.
Brain Sciences 11(11):1453 (2021) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[124] Nocon JC, Gritton HJ, James NM, Han X, Sen K:
PV neurons improve cortical complex scene analysis by enhancing timing-based coding.
bioRxiv (2021) (ISI, SPIKE, RI-SPIKE, cSPIKE)
[123] Neru A, Assisi C:
Theta oscillations gate the transmission of reliable sequences in the medial entorhinal cortex.
ENeuro 0059-20.2021 (2021) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[122] Gainutdinov A:
Method for analyzing the inhibition of cellular signals in the spike train format.
Saratov Fall Meeting 2020: Computations and Data Analysis: from Molecular Processes to Brain Functions (2021) (SPIKE-Order)
[121] Enright HA, Lam D, Sebastian A, Sales AP, Cadena J, Hum NR, Osburn JJ, Peters SK, Petkus B, Soscia DA, Kulp KS:
Functional and transcriptional characterization of complex neuronal co-cultures.
Scientific reports 10(1):1-4 (2020) (SPIKE, PySpike)
[120] Risi N, Aimar A, Donati E, Solinas S, Indiveri G:
A spike-based neuromorphic architecture of stereo vision.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 14:93 (2020). (?, PySpike)
[119] Hermiz J, Hossain L, Arneodo EM, Ganji M, Rogers N, Vahidi N, Halgren E, Gentner TQ, Dayeh SA, Gilja V:
Stimulus driven single unit activity from micro-electrocorticography.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14:55 (2020). (SPIKE)
[118] Gainutdinov A:
Method for measuring differences in the neuronal responses to social stimuli.
IEEE International Conference Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics (NIR, 2020) (SPIKE-Order, PySpike)
[117] Macias S, Bakshi K, Garcia-Rosales F, Hechavarria JC, Smotherman M:
Temporal coding of echo spectral shape in the bat auditory cortex.
PLoS Biology 8(11):e3000831 (2020) (SPIKE-Synchro, SPIKY)
[116] Amichi L, Viana AC, Crovella M, Loureiro AA:
Understanding individuals' proclivity for novelty seeking.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (2020) (ISI-Diversity)
[115] Ciba M, Bestel R, Nick C, de Arruda GF, Peron T, Henrique CC, Costa LD, Rodrigues FA, Thielemann C:
Comparison of Different Spike Train Synchrony Measures Regarding Their Robustness to Erroneous Data From Bicuculline-Induced Epileptiform Activity.
Neural computation 32(5):887-911 (2020) (A-ISI, A-SPIKE, ARI-SPIKE, A-SPIKE-Synchro)
[114] O’Halloran DM:
Simulation model of CA1 pyramidal neurons reveal opposing roles for the Na+/Ca2+ exchange current and Ca2+-activated K+ current during spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity.
Plos one, 15(3), e0230327 (2020) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[113] Kita K, Albergaria C, Machado AS, Carey MR, Müller M, Delvendahl I:
GluA4 enables associative memory formation by facilitating cerebellar expansion coding.
bioRxiv (2020) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[112] Carter J, Rego J, Schwartz D, Bhandawat V, Kim E:
Learning Spiking Neural Network Models of Drosophila Olfaction.
In International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems pp. 1-5 (2020) (ISI)
[111] Gainutdinov A:
Determination of responses to stimuli by the role of signal-triggering neurons in the network.
IEEE 4th Scientific School on Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Application in Intellectual Robotics (DCNAIR, 2020) (SPIKE-Order)
[110] Brill M, Schwab F:
T-Pattern Analysis and Spike Train Dissimilarity for the Analysis of Structure in Blinking Behavior.
Physiology & Behavior, 113163 (2020) (ISI)
[109] Johnson LA, Wang J, Nebeck SD, Zhang J, Johnson MD, Vitek JL:
Direct activation of primary motor cortex during subthalamic but not pallidal deep brain stimulation.
Journal of Neuroscience, 40(10), 2166-2177 (2020) (SPIKE-Synchro)
[108] Kreuz T, Houghton C, Victor JD:
Spike Train Distance
Encycl Comp Neurosci [PDF], (2020) (ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[107] Tumulty JS, Royster M, Cruz L:
Columnar grouping preserves synchronization in neuronal networks with distance-dependent time delays
Phys Rev E 101, 022408 (2020) (SPIKE)
[106] Yavari F, Amiri M, Rahatabada FN, Faloticoc E, Laschi C:
Spike train analysis in a digital neuromorphic system of cutaneous mechanoreceptor
Neurocomp 379, 343 (2020) (ISI)
[105] Soucy JR, Askaryan J, Diaz D, Koppes AN, Annabi N, Koppes RA:
Glial cells influence cardiac permittivity as evidenced through in vitro and in silico models
Biofabrication 12, 015014 (2020) (SPIKE)
[104] Amsalem O, Eyal G, Rogozinski N, Segev I:
An efficient analytical reduction of detailed nonlinear neuron models
Nature Comm 11, 288 (2020) (ISI, SPIKE-Synchro)
[103] Garg S, Singh D:
Structural features recapitulate collective dynamics of inhibitory networks
BioArxiv, (2019) (SPIKE-Synchro, PySpike)
[102] Brouns T, Celikel T:
PASER for automated analysis of neural signals recorded in pulsating magnetic fields
BioArxiv, (2019) (cSPIKE)
[101] Sihn D, Kim SP:
A Spike Train Distance Robust to Firing Rate Changes Based on the Earth Mover’s Distance
Front. Comput. Neurosci. 13:82 (2019) (SPIKE, RI-SPIKE)
[100] Melanitis N, Nikita KS:
Biologically-inspired image processing in computational retina models
Comp Biol Med 113, 103399 (2019) (ISI, SPIKE)
[99] Lee S, Jang K:
Regularity of vehicle trips in urban areas
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (2019); DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2019.8917025 (ISI)
[98] Tomlinson SB, Wong JN, Conrad EC, Kennedy BC, Marsh ED:
Reproducibility of interictal spike propagation in children with refractory epilepsy
Epilepsia 60, 898 (2019) (SPIKE-order)
[97] Bardin JB, Spreemann G, Hess K:
Topological exploration of artificial neuronal network dynamics
Network Neurosci 3, 725 (2019) (SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[96] Madar AD, Ewell LA, Jones MV:
Temporal pattern separation in hippocampal neurons through multiplexed neural codes
PLoS Comput Biol 15(4): e1006932 (2019) (SPIKE)
[95] Ouyang Q, Wu J, Shao Z, Wu M, Cao Z:
A Python Code for Simulating Single Tactile Receptors and the Spiking Responses of Their Afferents
Front. Neuroinform. 13:27 (2019) (ISI)
[94] Unakafova VA, Gail A:
Comparing Open-Source Toolboxes for Processing and Analysis of Spike and Local Field Potentials Data
Front. Neuroinform. 13:57 (2019) (SPIKY)
[93] Lam D, Enright HA, Cadena J, Peters SK, Sales AP, Osburn JJ, Soscia DA, Kulp KS, Wheeler EK, Fischer NO:
Tissue-specific extracellular matrix accelerates the formation of neural networks and communities in a neuron-glia co-culture on a multi-electrode array.
Scientific Reports, 9, 4159 (2019) (SPIKE)
[92] Bradley JA, Strock CJ:
Screening for Neurotoxicity with Microelectrode Array
Curr Prot Toxicol 79, e67 (2019) (ISI)
[91] Duarte R, Uhlmann M, van den Broek D, Fitz H, Petersson KM, Morrison A:
Encoding symbolic sequences with spiking neural reservoirs
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2018) (ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[90] Lama N, Hargreaves A, Stevens B, McGinnity TM:
Spike Train Synchrony Analysis of Neuronal Cultures
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 1-8 (2018) (ISI, SPIKE)
[89] Świetlik D, Białowąs J, Kusiak A, Cichońska D:
Memory and forgetting processes with the firing neuron model
Folia Morphol 77, 221 (2018) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[88] Du Y, Liu J, Fu S:
Information Transmitting and Cognition with a Spiking Neural Network Model
Chin Phys Lett 35, 090502 (2018) (ISI)
[87] Bradley JA, Luithardt HH, Metea MR, Strock CJ:
In Vitro Screening for Seizure Liability Using Microelectrode Array Technology
Toxicol Sci 163, 240 (2018) (ISI)
[86] Naudé J, Didienne S, Takillah S, Prévost-Solié C, Maskos U, Faure P:
Acetylcholine-dependent phasic dopamine activity signals exploratory locomotion and choices.
BioRxiv, (2018) (SPIKE)
[85] Lassus B, Naudé J, Faure P, Guedin D, Von Boxberg Y, La Cour CM, Millan MJ, Peyrin JM:
Glutamatergic and dopaminergic modulation of cortico-striatal circuits probed by dynamic calcium imaging of networks reconstructed in microfluidic chips.
Scientific reports, 8, 1 (2018) (SPIKE-Synchro)
[84] Jouty J, Hilgen G, Sernagor E, Hennig MH:
Non-parametric Physiological Classification of Retinal Ganglion Cells in the Mouse Retina
Front Cell Neurosci 12:481 (2018) (ISI, SPIKE, PySPIKE)
[83] Satuvuori E, Mulansky M, Daffertshofer A, Kreuz T:
Using spike train distances to identify the most discriminative neuronal subpopulation
JNeurosci Methods, 308, 354 [PDF] and arXiv [PDF] (2018) (SPIKE)
[82] Gardella C, Marre O, Mora T:
Blindfold learning of an accurate neural metric.
Proc Nat Ac Sci 201718710 (2018) (ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[81] Satuvuori E, Kreuz T:
Which spike train distance is most suitable for distinguishing rate and temporal coding?
JNeurosci Methods 299, 22 [PDF] and arXiv [PDF] (2018) (ISI, SPIKE)
[80] Ciba M, Isomura T, Jimbo Y, Bahmer A, Thielemann C:
Spike-contrast: A novel time scale independent and multivariate measure of spike train synchrony
JNeurosci Methods 293, 136 (2018) (SPIKE)
[79] Yi Z, Zhang Y:
A spike train distance-based method to evaluate the response of mechanoreceptive afferents.
Neural Computing and Applications. 1-12 (2018) (ISI, SPIKE)
[78] Williams MJ, Whitaker RM, Allen SM:
There and back again: Detecting regularity in human encounter communities.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16:1744 (2017) (ISI)
[77] Sun AY, Xia Y, Caldwell T, Hao Z:
Patterns of Precipitation and Soil Moisture Extremes in Texas, US: A Complex Network Analysis.
Advances in Water Resources 112, 203 (2017) (SPIKE-Synchro)
[76] Aguirre LA, Portes LL, Letellier C:
Observability and synchronization of neuron models.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27(10):103103 (2017) (SPIKE)
[75] Zhu J, Liu X:
Measuring spike timing distance in the Hindmarsh–Rose neurons
Cogn Neurodyn (2017) (ISI)
[74] Madar AD, Ewell LA, Jones MV:
Pattern separation of spike trains by individual granule cells of the dentate gyrus.
BioRxiv (2017) (SPIKE)
[73] Malvestio I, Kreuz T, Andrzejak RG:
Robustness and versatility of a nonlinear interdependence method for directional coupling detection from spike trains
Physical Review E 96, 022203 [PDF] (2017) (ISI, SPIKE)
[72] Qi D, Xiao Z, Liu S, Jiao Y:
Spike Trains Synchrony with Changed Neuronal Networks Parameters in a Hippocampus CA3 Small-World Network Model.
Information Science and Control Engineering Proc. 1721 (2017) (ISI)
[71] Palazzolo G, Moroni M, Soloperto A, Aletti G, Naldi G, Vassalli M, Nieus T, Difato F:
Fast wide-volume functional imaging of engineered in vitro brain tissues.
Scientific Reports 7 (2017) (SPIKE-Synchro)
[70] Kreuz T, Satuvuori E, Mulansky M:
Scholarpedia, 12(7):42441 (2017) (SPIKE-Synchro, SPIKE-order)
[69] Satuvuori E, Mulansky M, Bozanic N, Malvestio I, Zeldenrust F, Lenk K, Kreuz T:
Measures of spike train synchrony for data with multiple time-scales
JNeurosci Methods 287, 25 [PDF] and arXiv [PDF] (2017) (Introduces A-ISI, A-SPIKE, A-SPIKE-Synchro)
[68] Kreuz T, Satuvuori E, Pofahl M, Mulansky M:
Leaders and followers: Quantifying consistency in spatio-temporal propagation patterns
New J. Phys., 19, 043028 [PDF] and arXiv [PDF ] (2017) (SPIKE-Synchro, introduces SPIKE-order)
[67] Yi Z, Zhang Y:
Recognizing tactile surface roughness with a biomimetic fingertip: A soft neuromorphic approach.
Neurocomputing 244, 102 (2017) (ISI, SPIKE)
[66] Ravello CR, Escobar MJ, Palacios A, Perrinet LU:
Differential response of the retinal neural code with respect to the sparseness of natural images
Arxiv 1611:06834v1 (2016) (SPIKE)
[65] Kuroda K, Hasegawa M:
Method for Estimating Neural Network Topology Based on SPIKE-Distance
LNCS 9886, 91 (2016) (SPIKE)
[64] Mulansky M, Kreuz T:
PySpike - A Python library for analyzing spike train synchrony
Software X 5, 183 and arXiv [PDF] (2016) [PDF] (Python source codes for ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[63] Zapata-Fonseca L, Dotov D, Fossion R, Froese T:
Time-Series Analysis of Embodied Interaction: Movement Variability and Complexity Matching As Dyadic Properties.
Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (2016) (SPIKE)
[62] Koutsou A, Kanev J, Economidou M, Christodoulou C:
Integrator or coincidence detector---what shapes the relation of stimulus synchrony and the operational mode of a neuron?
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 13,521 (2016) (SPIKE)
[61] Espinal A, Rostro-Gonzalez H, Carpio M, Guerra-Hernandez EI, Ornelas-Rodriguez M, Puga-Soberanes HJ, Sotelo-Figuero MA, Melin P:
Quadrupedal robot locomotion: a biologically inspired approach and its hardware implementation
ComputIntelNeurosci 5615618 (2016) (SPIKE)
[60] Espinal A, Rostro-Gonzalez H, Carpio M, Guerra-Hernandez EI, Ornelas-Rodriguez M, Sotelo-Figuero MA:
Design of Spiking Central Pattern Generators for Multiple Locomotion Gaits in Hexapod Robots by Christiansen Grammar Evolution
Front Neurorobot 10:6 (2016) (SPIKE)
[59] Vlachos I, Deniz T, Aertsen A, Kumar A:
Recovery of dynamics and function in spiking neural networks with closed-loop control
PLoS Comput Biol 12.2, e1004720 (2016) (SPIKE)
[58] Dura-Bernal S, Li K, Neymotin SA, Francis JT, Principe, JC, Lytton WW:
Restoring Behavior via Inverse Neurocontroller in a Lesioned Cortical Spiking Model Driving a Virtual Arm
Frontiers in Neurocience 10:28 (2016) (SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[57] Rodrigues AC, Cerdeira HA, Machado BS:
The influence of hubs in the structure of a neuronal network during an epileptic seizure
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 225, 75 (2016) (SPIKE)
[56] Chen YL, Yu LC, Chen Y:
Reliability of weak signals detection in neurons with noise
Sci China Tech Sci 59, 411 (2016) (ISI)
[55] Qu J, Wang R, Du Y, Yan C:
An Improved Method of Measuring Multiple Spike Train Synchrony.
Ch. 105, R. Wang and X. Pan (eds.), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (V), Springer Science+Business Media Singapore (2016) (ISI)
[54] Hino H, Takano K, Murata N:
mmpp: A Package for Calculating Similarity and Distance Metrics for Simple and Marked Temporal Point Processes.
R Journal 7, 237 (2015) (R source codes for ISI)
[53] Bockhorst T, Homberg U:
Amplitude and dynamics of polarization-plane signaling in the central complex of the locust brain.
Journal of Neurophysiology 113, 3291 (2015) (Variation of ISI)
[52] Takano K, Hino H, Yoshikawa Y, Murata N:
Patchworking multiple pairwise distances for learning with distance matrices.
International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation 287 (2015) (ISI)
[51] Bockhorst T, Homberg U:
Compass Cells in the Brain of an Insect Are Sensitive to Novel Events in the Visual World
PLoS ONE 10(12):e0144501 (2015) (Variation of ISI)
[50] Qu J, Wang R, Du Y:
Measuring effects of different noises in a model using ISI-distance methods.
Int. J. Biomath. 08, 1550043 (2015) (ISI)
[49] Chew G, Ang KK, So RQ, Xu Z, Guan C:
Combining Firing Rate and Spike-Train Synchrony Features in the Decoding of Motor Cortical Activity
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 1091 (2015) (ISI, SPIKE, SPIKY)
[48] Eisenman LN, Emnett, CM, Mohan J, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S:
Quantification of bursting and synchrony in cultured hippocampal neurons
JNeurophysiol, 114,1059 (2015) (SPIKE)
[47] Du Y, Wang R, Cao J:
Parameter-dependent synchronization of coupled neurons in cold receptor model.
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 70, 95 (2015) (ISI)
[46] Hoang H, Yamashita O, Tokuda IT, Sato M, Kawato M, Toyama K:
Segmental Bayesian estimation of gap-junctional and inhibitory conductance of inferior olive neurons from spike trains with complicated dynamics
Front. Comput. Neurosci. 9:56 (2015) (SPIKE)
[45] Rabinowitch TC, Knafo-Noam A:
Synchronous rhythmic interaction enhances children’s perceived similarity and closeness towards each other.
PLoS ONE 10(4): e0120878 (2015) (old SPIKE, Inter-personal synchronization)
[44] Mulansky M, Bozanic N, Sburlea A, Kreuz T:
A guide to time-resolved and parameter-free measures of spike train synchrony.
IEEE Proceeding on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP), 1-8 and arXiv [PDF] (2015) (overview and math. properties ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro)
[43] Kreuz T, Mulansky M, Bozanic N:
SPIKY: A graphical user interface for monitoring spike train synchrony.
JNeurophysiol 113, 3432 (2015) [PDF] (ISI, SPIKE, introduces SPIKE-Synchro, SPIKY)
[42] Bozanic N, Mulansky M, Kreuz T:
Scholarpedia 9(12), 32344 (2014) (ISI, SPIKE, SPIKE-Synchro, SPIKY)
[41] Thibeault CM, O'Brien MJ, Srinivasa N:
Analyzing large-scale spiking neural data with HRLAnalysis™.
Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 8, 17 (2014) (SPIKE-Software)
[40] Diego Andilla F, Hamprecht FA:
Sparse Space-Time Deconvolution for Calcium Image Analysis
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 64-72 (NIPS 2014) (SPIKE)
[39] Cutts CS, Eglen SJ:
Detecting pairwise correlations in spike trains: An objective comparison of methods and application to the study of retinal waves.
J Neurosci 34, 14288 (2014) (comparison of correlation measures, but also includes SPIKE)
[38] Konstantoudaki X, Papoutsi A, Chalkiadaki K, Poirazi P, Sidiropoulou K:
Modulatory effects of inhibition on Feise activity in a cortical microcircuit model
Front. Neural Circuits 8: 1 (2014) (old SPIKE)
[37] Andrzejak RG, Mormann F, Kreuz T:
Detecting determinism from point processes.
Physical Review E 90, 062906 (2014) [PDF] (ISI, SPIKE)
[36] Sacre P, Sepulchre R:
Sensitivity Analysis of Oscillator Models in the Space of Phase-Response Curves: Oscillators As Open Systems.
Control Systems, IEEE 34, 50 (2014) (SPIKE, also time-resolved)
[35] Du Y, Wang R, Cao J:
Noise and Synchronization Analysis of the Cold-Receptor Neuronal Network Model.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (Hindawi) 173894 (2014) (ISI)
[34] Xu A, Du Y, Wang R, Cao J:
Interaction between different cells in olfactory bulb and synchronous kinematic analysis.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (Hindawi) 808792 (2014) (ISI)
[33] Wang J, Liu S, Li X:
Quantification of synchronization phenomena in two reciprocally gap-junction coupled bursting pancreatic beta-cells.
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 68, 65 (2014) (ISI)
[32] Rusu CV, Florian RV:
A new class of metrics for spike trains
Neural Comput 26, 306 (2014) (ISI, SPIKE, includes performance comparison)
[31] Dipoppa M, Gutkin BS:
Correlations in background activity control persistent state stability and allow execution of working memory tasks.
Front Comput Neurosci. 7: 139 (2013) (SPIKE, including selective averaging)
[30] Qi D, Xiao Z:
Spike Trains Synchrony With Different Coupling Strengths in a Hippocampus CA3 Small-World Network Model.
Proceedings of the 2013 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2013) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[29] Papoutsi A, Sidiropoulo K, Cutsuridis V and Poirazi P:
Induction and modulation of persistent activity in a layer VPFC microcircuit model.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7, 161 (2013) (old SPIKE)
[28] Chen Y, Zhang H, Wang H, Yu L, Chen Y:
The Role of Coincidence-Detector Neurons in the Reliability and Precision of Subthreshold Signal Detection in Noise.
PLoS ONE 8(2): e56822 (2013) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[27] Kreuz T, Chicharro D, Houghton C, Andrzejak RG, Mormann F:
Monitoring spike train synchrony.
J Neurophysiol 109, 1457 (2013) [PDF] (introduces SPIKE)
[26] Kreuz T:
Scholarpedia 7(12), 30652 (2012). (SPIKE)
[25] Williams MJ, Whitaker RM, Allen SM:
Measuring individual regularity in human visiting patterns.
Proceedings of the ASE International Conf. on Social Computing, 117 (2012) (multivariate ISI-diversity)
[24] Goulet J, van Hemmen JL, Jung SN, Chagnaud BP, Scholze B, Engelmann J:
Temporal precision and reliability in the velocity regime of a hair-cell sensory system: the mechanosensory lateral line of goldfish, Carassius auratus.
J Neurophysiol 107, 2581 (2012) (ISI)
[23] Mitra A, Manitius A, Sauer T:
Prediction of Single Neuron Spiking Activity using an Optimized Nonlinear Dynamic Model.
IEEE EMBS 2543 (2012) (old SPIKE)
[22] Michmizos KP, Sakas D, Nikita KS:
Parameter identification for a local field potential driven model of the Parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus spike activity.
Neural Networks 36, 146 (2012) (variation of ISI)
[21] Jalili M:
Collective behavior of interacting locally synchronized oscillations in neuronal networks.
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 17, 3922 (2012) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[20] Wildie M, Shanahan M:
Establishing communication between neuronal populations through competitive entrainment.
Front Comp Neurosci 5, 62 (2012) (multivariate ISI-diversity)
[19] Qu J, Wang R, Du Y, Cao J:
Synchronization study in ring-like and grid-like neuronal networks.
Cogn Neurodyn 6, 21 (2012) (ISI, also multivariate)
[18] Spencer MC, Downes JH, Xydas D, Hammond MW, Becerra VM, Whalley BJ, Warwick K, Nasuto SJ:
Spatio-temporal dependencies in functional connectivity in rodent cortical cultures.
J Behavioral Robotics 2, 156 (2012) (old SPIKE)
[17] Lyttle D, Fellous JM:
A new similarity measure for spike trains: Sensitivity to bursts and periods of inhibition.
J Neurosci Methods 199, 296 (2011) (comparison of measures, includes ISI, shows ISI is a metric)
[16] Kreuz T:
Measures of spike train synchrony.
Scholarpedia 6(10), 11934 (2011) (ISI, SPIKE)
[15] Andrzejak RG, Kreuz T:
Characterizing unidirectional couplings between point processes and flows.
European Physics Letters 96, 50012 (2011) [PDF] (ISI)
[14] Kreuz T, Chicharro D, Greschner M, Andrzejak RG:
Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony.
J Neurosci Methods 195, 92 (2011) [PDF] (introduces old SPIKE, now obsolete, better use new SPIKE, see [27])
[13] Njap F, Claussen JC, Moser A, Hofmann UG:
Comparing Realistic Subthalamic Nucleus Neuron Models.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1371, 102 (2010) (ISI)
[12] Engelmann J, Gertz S, Goulet J, Schuh A, von der Emde G:
Coding of Stimuli by Ampullary Afferents in Gnathonemus petersii.
J Neurophysiol 104, 1955 (2010) (ISI)
[11] Dodla R and Wilson CJ:
Quantification of Clustering in Joint Interspike Interval Scattergrams of Spike Trains.
Biophysical Journal 98, 2535 (2010) (variation of ISI)
[10] Xiao Z, Tian X:
Neuronal Ensemble Coding of Spike Trains in the Hippocampus CA3 via Small-world Network
J Computers 5, 448 (2010) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[9] Ibarz JM, Foffani G, Cid E, Inostroza M and de la Prida LM:
Emergent Dynamics of Fast Ripples in the Epileptic Hippocampus.
J Neurosci, 30, 16249 (2010) (multivariate ISI)
[8] Haas JS*, Kreuz T*, Torcini A, Politi A, Abarbanel HDI:
Rate maintenance and resonance in the entorhinal cortex.
Eur J Neurosci 32, 1930 (2010) [PDF] (ISI)
[7] Du Y, Lu Q:
Noise effects on temperature encoding of neuronal spike trains in a cold receptor.
Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 020503 (2010) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[6] Du Y, Lu Q, Wang R:
Using interspike intervals to quantify noise effects on spike trains in temperature encoding neurons.
Cognitive Neurodynamics 4, 199 (2010) (ISI, also time-resolved)
[5] Dodla R and Wilson CJ:
Asynchronous response of coupled pacemaker neurons.
Phys Rev Lett 102, 068102 (2009) (ISI)
[4] Pfeiffer K, French AS:
GABAergic excitation of spider mechanoreceptors increases information capacity by increasing entropy rather than decreasing jitter.
J Neurosci 29, 10989 (2009) (ISI)
[3] Kreuz T, Chicharro D, Andrzejak RG, Haas JS, Abarbanel HDI:
Measuring multiple spike train synchrony.
J Neurosci Methods 183, 287 (2009) [PDF] (introduces multivariate ISI)
[2] Escobar MJ, Masson GS, Vieville T, Kornprobst P:
Action recognition using a bio-inspired feedforward spiking network.
Int J Comput Vis 82, 284 (2009) (ISI)
[1] Kreuz T, Haas JS, Morelli A, Abarbanel HDI, Politi A:
Measuring spike train synchrony.
J Neurosci Methods 165, 151 (2007) [PDF] (introduces ISI)
A PhD thesis outside of neuroscience:
Williams MJ:
Periodic patterns in human mobility
PhD Thesis, Cardiff University (2013). (multivariate ISI-diversity)