van Rossum Distance

Source Code - van Rossum distance and its multi-neuron extension

For a detailed description of the methods please refer to:

Houghton C, Kreuz T:

On the efficient calculation of van Rossum distances

Network: Computation in neural systems 23, 48 (2012) [PDF]

If you have more than two neurons or neuronal populations it is always preferable to use the 'pairwise' code (since otherwise you will calculate some of the equations repeatedly).

Matlab code to calculate the bivariate van Rossum distance:

[vanRossum] Copyright: Thomas Kreuz, Conor Houghton, Charles Dillon

Matlab code to calculate the bivariate van Rossum distance in a pairwise manner:

[vanRossumPW] Copyright: Thomas Kreuz, Conor Houghton, Charles Dillon

Matlab code to calculate the multi-neuron van Rossum distance:

[vanRossumMN] Copyright: Thomas Kreuz, Conor Houghton, Charles Dillon

Matlab code to calculate the multi-neuron van Rossum distance in a pairwise manner:

[vanRossumMNPW] Copyright: Thomas Kreuz, Conor Houghton, Charles Dillon

See also:

C++ - Implementation of the pairwise van Rossum-distance (maintained by Conor Houghton)

Python wrapping of the C++ implementation of the multiunit van Rossum metric (maintained by Eugenio Piasini)

C++ - Implementation of the van Rossum distance with Optimal Lag (maintained by Ed Butler)